Operating Principles

Ornate door

St. Edward's University was founded by the Congregation of Holy Cross, whose values underlie the goals identified in our mission. We aspire to work together to achieve these goals according to the following principles, which flow logically from our Holy Cross and Catholic heritage.

We work through collaboration.

We work collaboratively to attain our goals. We address concerns from a university-wide perspective, working together in the most effective and efficient ways to generate solutions and make decisions that benefit the university as a whole. We take our responsibilities to each other seriously, sharing information and meeting deadlines; giving and receiving constructive feedback for improving individuals, teams and processes; listening with open minds to each other's points of view; and providing personal support and assistance to each other. We collaborate with friends in the larger community, seeking their ideas and partnerships.

We treat each other respectfully.

We treat each other with the respect we expect for ourselves. We strive to take advantage of the possibilities for growth and creativity that exist within an environment where different views are discussed and respected. We speak to each other in professional and respectful tones; we maintain our composure and judgment under the pressure caused by differences, actively listening for understanding, clarifying confusion, affirming feelings, and seeking mutually beneficial solutions. We confront demeaning comments and behavior and insist on civility. We commit ourselves to conducting our business in ways that develop an atmosphere of trust and respect.

We are a continually developing organization.

We are a community committed to continuous assessment of the needs of our students and colleagues and of our own performance. We view all members of our campus community as potential teachers and learners. We seek new knowledge and skills and better applications of our knowledge and skills. Personal growth and development are expectations, as well as growth and development of the effectiveness of the organization. We create an environment which encourages and supports risk-taking, and we consciously work to remain open to new ideas, opinions and ways of doing things from all members of our university community and from the larger community, whose assessment and ideas we welcome.

We each take responsibility for excellence.

A focus on excellence is a way of life. We set challenging goals in every area, with the university's mission as the guide for establishing and prioritizing these goals. We encourage and expect all members of our community to take responsibility for continual analysis of our policies, procedures, processes, as well as their own performance, to ensure that we are working as effectively and efficiently as possible. We understand that we are accountable to each other to contribute to the excellence we seek. There is openness to anticipating and examining possible barriers to excellence and enthusiasm for developing strategies to overcome these barriers.

We are dedicated to high standards of service.

Creative problem-solving to help students, colleagues, and all who do business with us is a hallmark of our service. We respond quickly, considerately, and correctly to the needs of those who come to us for help. We work to increase our job knowledge and knowledge about other areas of the university, so that we can continually contribute suggestions and make adjustments to improve our service. We place a higher priority on service than on administrative ease; politeness, cheerfulness, and helpfulness are valued and expected.

We have open communication across the university.

At St. Edward's open communication includes widely sharing information, requesting appropriate information before making decisions, clearly describing goals and decision-making processes, offering and accepting suggestions for improvement, and being receptive to others' ideas and to the changes indicated by our continuing assessment. We value open and direct communication, which is used to inform, educate, and foster improvement. We work to create the trust that makes open and direct communication possible.

We seek to understand and promote diversity.

We support the ideal of equal and open access to opportunity for everyone. We work to critically examine our own beliefs, biases, and assumptions that may create division and misunderstanding about ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, values, religion, politics, disabilities, socio-economic status, attitudes, language, and all other differences. We are committed to identifying and eliminating barriers to inclusion within our own policies, procedures, and traditional practices. We value the diversity on our campus and within the community and work to enhance the possibilities for personal and institutional growth such diversity provides.

We are good stewards of our organizational resources.

We appreciate and treasure all resources entrusted to us. These resources may include employees, property, equipment, and/or funds. We are committed to periodically reviewing the allocation of these resources to ensure that they are being distributed in the most efficient and effective way to attain our mission and strategic goals. We encourage community members' input to arrive at workable solutions to resource issues. We practice sound financial management as our standard, and it is the responsibility of each community member to value and be a good steward of the organizational assets at their disposal.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.– 5 p.m.


Premont Hall
Room 130



(512) 448-8587